Adis Chat

Adis Chat is a free, anonymous and confidential online chat service for people who have concerns about alcohol or other drug use.

The service is provided by Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support, Metro North Mental Health - Alcohol and Drug Service (Queensland Health).


What to expect

  • A counsellor will chat with you about your alcohol or other drug concerns
  • A counsellor can provide contact information for relevant alcohol and drug services in QLD
  • Our chat is confidential unless you disclose information that indicates that you or somebody else is at risk of harm
  • Chat is only available in English language however if you prefer to speak in a language other than English we would be happy to arrange a telephone call with you - please request a call including your preferred language details.


Emergency Assistance

Call Emergency Services on triple zero (000) if you:

  • Require urgent medical attention or
  • Are in immediate danger or
  • Are at risk of harming yourself,  someone else, or if you are currently planning to end your life.


Start a chat

By initiating a chat, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted our terms and conditions.

Accept and start chat

Monday to Sunday 8:00am – 10:00pm (including public holidays)